innesto a nastro

innesto a nastro
ленточное сцепление

Dictionnaire polytechnique italo-russe. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "innesto a nastro" в других словарях:

  • Virgilio Tosi — (b. November 29, 1925 in Milan) is an Italian documentary filmmaker and historian of early film. Early life On June 10, 1940, the day Italy entered World War II, Tosi started working as apprentice invoice clerk at the Milan seat of a German firm… …   Wikipedia

  • attaccare — at·tac·cà·re e intr. FO 1a., congiungere, con colla, cuciture, legature e sim.: attaccare la fodera a una giacca, attaccare un bottone | affiggere: attaccare un manifesto | estens., appendere: attaccare i quadri, attaccare l… …   Dizionario italiano

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